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The Current Crisis 001 Poster

$30.00 - Member price
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19X25 inch Poster Print on 140lb Madero Beach Speckltone Cardstock Artwork created by Blackbird Revolt, Screen printed by Darren Houser of Antimonii Studios This is one poster in a series of three themed after the 2019 MLK Events: The Current Crisis. Each poster will be screen printed by hand and will be numbered. All funds raised from poster sales will go towards the 2019 MLK Events. Posters will be available for pick up at the 2019 MLK Rally on Monday, January 22, 2019 at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. This series was inspired by the 2019 MLK Theme from an article by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., submitted for publication in March 1958. In the full title, “The Current Crisis in Race Relations,” King tells us that the crisis had been affirmed by the reactions of the country to the Supreme Court’s decision to integrate schools. King goes on to explain that the crisis not only exists because of White resistance but because Black people saw themselves as equals; making it impossible to accept the system of segregation. Dr. King also speaks to the theological reasoning for nonviolence and integration. He believed that nonviolence was simply Christianity in action –“passive physically” but “aggressive spiritually.” Nonviolence combats the evil committed by individuals rather than combating the individuals committing evil. King says “ The tension is at bottom between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. And if there is a victory it will be a victory, not merely for fifty thousand Negroes, but a victory for justice and the forces of light.”